What are the benefits of using PEDS-R with the PEDS:DM?
- PEDS-R, a screening and surveillance tool based on parents’ concerns, is known to improve attendance at well-visits
- PEDS-R decreases parental frustrations and is associated with positive parent practices (less spanking, more time-out, etc.)
- PEDS-R ensures that encounters are a collaborative process
- PEDS-R enhances the teachable moment
- PEDS-R focuses visits and reduces “oh by the way” concerns
- PEDS-R facilitates delivering difficult news via affirmation of existing concerns
- PEDS-R+PEDS:DM enhances accurate responses to parents’ concerns and helps determine whether reassurance, watchful waiting, in-office guidance, or referrals are needed
- PEDS-R + PEDS:DM provide essential components of developmental surveillance in keeping with new AAP policy (July, 2006)
- PEDS-R+PEDS:DM Complies with the AAP’s new policy on surveillance and screening